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Economic Relations Division Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
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Last updated: 3rd November 2017

Wing 9: Foreign Aid Budget and Accounts & ICT Functions


Foreign Aid Budget and Accounts (FABA) wing is broadly responsible for managing external debt and budgeting of foreign aid. Moreover, FABA acts as central data centre of ERD related to external aid and debt. The main functions of FABA are as follows:
Coordination of  aid mobilization program;
Collection, recording and reporting data of foreign aid commitments and monitoring, analysis and evaluation;
Collection, recording and reporting data of foreign aid disbursements and monitoring, analysis and evaluation;
Preparation of resource budget (annual and MTBF) of project aid, budget support, commodity aid and food aid for incorporating into national budget;
Preparation of Annual Development Program (ADP) and Revised ADP (RADP) thereof for foreign aided projects;
Monitoring, analysis and evaluation of ADP and RADP allocation and utilization.
External debt management, including debt profiling and budgeting, debt servicing and maintenance of accounts thereof;
Preparation of Debt Service Liability (DSL) budget for principal and interest on external debt for all creditors;
Issuing Government Order (GO) for repayments of external debt received from the creditors;
Reconciliation of repayment with Bangladesh Bank and Controller General of Accounts (CGA) at the end of financial year;
Reconciliation of outstanding public debt, repayment, servicing etc. by loan with Development Partners;
Debt sustainability analysis with IMF and Debt Management Strategy (MTDS) and Debt Management Performance Analysis (DeMPA) exercise with World Bank, Credit Rating exercise with Standard and Poor’s Rating services, Moody’s Investors Service;
Compliance with debt reporting requirement such as Quarterly External Debt Statistic (QEDS) for World Bank, Extended Credit Program (ECF) and Article -IV mission of IMF;
Providing opinion and guidance regarding financial terms and conditions to the Program Desks of ERD in case of mobilizing foreign loans;
External Debt Sustainability analysis and providing information to the higher authority for formulation of overall future external borrowing strategy.
Administering, up-gradation and maintenance of Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) for external debt.
Providing secretarial services to Technical Committee on Non- Concessional Borrowing and Fast Track Projects Monitoring Committee;
Representing ERD to various committee such as Cash and Debt Management Technical Committee, Technical Committee on Non-Concessional Borrowing of Finance Division and Extended Meeting on ADP Utilization Evaluation of Planning Commission.
Collection, revision and compilation of information and data for publishing “Flow of External Resources into Bangladesh”
At present FABA has following three Branches and under the branches there are five sections.

Section: FABA-I
1. Preparation of annual disbursement estimates of Food, Commodity and Project Aid.
2. Compilation of data from Section 3-8 of FABA and other aid-mobilizing desk of ERD for preparation of monthly foreign aid (food, commodity, and project) commitment and disbursement (detail) report by donor.
3. Preparation project aid estimate for projects by sector in the Annual Development Program (ADP) and revision (RAQDP) thereof.
4. Holding of periodic review meetings to monitor progress of project aid disbursement under ADP and non-ADP.
5. Preparation of resource budget for project aid, commodity aid and food aid for national budget and revision thereof.
6. Dissemination of disbursement data/information of foreign aid to Finance Division, Controller General of Accounts, Bangladesh Bank and IMED and reconciliation if needed
Section: FABA-3
1. Maintaining individual loan and grant file for International Development Association (IDA), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and other IDA administered loan/grant.
2. Maintaining of separate ledger and DMFAS file with basic loan information under above donors and updating outstanding balance taking disbursement and repayment into account on transaction basis.
3. Maintaining and updating DMFAS database for each loan under creditors above.
4. Responsible for issue of Government Order (GO) for payments of principal and interest on each loan under creditors above.
5. Preparations of accounts of debt service payments by under each donor as per ledger.
6. Preparation of budget for principal and interest on external debt and revision thereof on above creditors.
7. Preparation of report on debt payment and outstanding of IDA administered credits debt-wise annually in World Bank prescribed Form-2.
8. Reconciliation of data of all donors for preparation of Loan Status Report for sending the same to world Bank in Form-1 and Form-2 on a quarterly and annual basis respectively.
Section: FABA-4
1. Maintaining of individual loan and grant file for Asian Development Bank (ADB).  
2. Maintaining of separate ledger with basic loan information under above donor and updating outstanding balance taking disbursement and repayment into account on transaction basis and also by Branches.
3. Maintaining and updating DMFAS database for each loan under creditors above.
4. Collection of disbursement data and preparation of disbursement statements of loans and grants on monthly basis of the above donors and submission the same to Section -I for compilation.
5. Responsible for issue of Government Order (GO) for payments of principal and interest on each loan under creditors above.
6. Preparations of accounts of debt service payments, preparation of budget for principal and interest on external debt and revision thereof on above creditors.
Section FABA-5
1. Maintaining of individual loan and grant file for the following donors/ agencies:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, The Danish International Development Fund DANIDA), Finland, France, Norway, Nordic Development Fund (NDF), Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD), Sweden, Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom (UK), Italy, and Western European Donors/ agency.
2. Maintaining of separate ledger and DMFAS file with basic loan information under above donor and updating outstanding balance taking disbursement and repayment into account on transaction basis and also by Branches.
3. Maintaining the repayment schedule for each loan under creditors above.
4. Responsible for issue of Government Order (GO) for payments of principal and interest on each loan under creditors above.
5. Preparations of accounts of debt service payments, preparation of budget for principal and interest on external debt and revision thereof on above creditors.
6. Updating data/information in DMFAS for loans and grants under donors above
Section: FABA-6
1. Maintaining of individual loan and grant file for Japan, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Germany, German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Kreditianstalt Fuer Wiederaufbau (KFW), etc.
2. Maintaining of separate ledger and DMFAS file with basic loan information under above donor and updating outstanding balance taking disbursement and repayment into account on transaction basis.
3. Maintaining the repayment schedule for each loan under creditors above.
4. Responsible for issue of Government Order (GO) for payments of principal and interest on each loan under creditors above.
5. Preparations of accounts of debt service payments, preparation of budget for principal and interest on external debt and revision thereof on above creditors.
6. Updating data/information in the DMFAS.
7. Keeping record of accounts for Japanese Debt Relief Grant (DRG)/Japan Debt Cancellation Fund.
Section: FABA-7
1. Maintaining of individual loan and grant file for following donors/agency:
Saudi Arabia, Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), Kuwait, United Arab Emirate (UAE), Iran, Iraq, Turkey, United States of America (USA), Canada, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Asia Foundation, and Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Pakistan, India, China, South Korea, North Korea, Australia, New- Zealand, Singapore, Czech Republic, Yugoslavia, etc.
2. Maintaining of separate ledger and DMFAS file with basic loan information under above donor and updating outstanding balance taking disbursement and repayment into account on transaction basis.
3. Maintaining the repayment schedule for each loan under creditors above.
4. Responsible for issue of Government Order (GO) for payments of principal and interest on each loan under creditors above.
5. Preparations of accounts of debt service payments, preparation of budget for principal and interest on external debt and revision thereof on above creditors, updating data/information for Debt Recording (DR) maintained in the DMFAS.
6. Collection of data/ information on agreements from 3-8 sections of FABA and compilation of monthly commitment statement for food, commodity and project aid.
7. Preparation of written and verbal answers to the parliamentary questions related to foreign aid.
Section: FABA-8
1. Maintaining of individual loan and grant file for following donors/agency:
Islamic Development Bank (ISDB), Oil and Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), IFAD, UNICEF, FAO, UNDP, UNFPO, WHO, ILO, Ford Foundation, etc.
2. Maintaining of separate ledger and DMFAS file with basic loan information under above donor and updating outstanding balance taking disbursement and repayment into account on transaction basis.
3. Maintaining the repayment schedule for each loan under creditors above.
4. Responsible for issue of Government Order (GO) for payments of principal and interest on each loan under creditors above.
5. Preparations of accounts of debt service payments , preparation of budget for principal and interest on external debt and revision thereof on above creditors.
6. Updating data/information for Debt Recording (DR) maintained in the DMFAS for loans and grants under donor above.
Branch: FABA-II*
FABA-2 Branch performs the following activities:1. Compilation of debt service payment statement received from Section 3-8   and correspondence with Bangladesh Bank for reconciliation.2.  Preparation of DSL Budget for principal and interest on external debt and revision thereof.
3. Maintenance of ledgers for loans and grants of the following agencies: (a) Bangladesh Biman (BB), (b) Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (BSC), (c) Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC), (d) Ministry of food etc.
4. Maintenance of monthly statement of purchase and repurchase of IMF loan.
5. Monitoring of deposit of counterpart fund donor-wise.
6. Collection of data/information regarding foreign assistance through NGOs.
7. Collection of data/ information on private sector external loans/credits.
8. Debt Recording (Debt Management and Financial Analysis System -DMFAS) for FABA Branch.
9. Collection data/ information from Section 3-8 for updating DMFAS on transaction basis for loans and grants under all donors/ agencies.
10. Ensure loan ledgers in Spread Sheet for Section-3-8.
11. Internal coordination and administration of FABA branch .  
12. Organize training for new officers and staff in FABA branch.
*FABA-II Branch is created by upgrading FABA-2 Section. If the authority decides to revert it into a Section again, it will be designated as FABA-2 Section under the FABA Branch as earlier.

ICT Cell:
1.    Senior Systems Analyst-1
2.    Senior Programmer-1
3.    Programmer-1
4.    Maintenence Engineer-1
5     Assistant Programmer -2
6.    Assistant Maintenance Engineer-1
    Senior Computer Operator-1
8.    Computer Operator-8