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Economic Relations Division Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
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Press Release

SL Title Published Date Download
23 Two Loan Agreements of US$ 505 million has signed with the Asian Development Bank 2015-06-28
Press Release 28.6.150001.pdf Press Release English 28.6.150001.pdf
22 The Government of Japan will provide 2881 japaness Yen (equivalent to approximately Taka 186.26 core) 2015-06-24
PR_Japan_English_240615.pdf PR_Japan-Bangla_240615.pdf
21 Asian Development Bank will provide 120 million US$ 2015-06-08
PR-English-ADB080615.pdf PR-Bangla-ADB080615.pdf
20 The Government of China will provide 82.00 million RMB million Yuan 2015-06-07
PR-China-English240515.pdf PR-China -Bangla240515.pdf
19 The Government of Japan will provide 2.64 million US$ 2015-06-02
18 Agence Francaise de Development of France will provide 100 million euro 2015-06-01
PR-English-Europe010615.pdf PR-Bangla-Europe010615.pdf
17 UNDP & GEF will provide 58.741 million US$ 2015-05-27
Press Release UN_English.pdf Press Release un_ Bangla.pdf
16 The Government of Japan will provide an amount of 12.46 million US$ 2015-05-20
Press Release Japan.pdf বিজ্ঞপ্তি জাপান.pdf
15 Closing Press Briefing 2015-05-18
closing press briefing.pdf
14 Press Conference 18/05/2015 2015-05-17
Press_Conference_SSTC 18.05.2015.pdf
13 Press Conference on South-South and Triangular Cooperation Meeting 2015-05-16
Press Release for SSTC English.pdf Press Release SSTC Bangla.pdf
12 A loan agreement of US$200 million has been signed with the World Bank 2015-05-05
A loan agreement of US$200 million has been signed with the World Bank A loan agreement of US$200 million has been signed with the World Bank
11 FAO will provide USD 6,456,087 2015-03-18
Press_release_FAO_180315.pdf Press_release_FAO_180315 (1).pdf
10 The Government of Japan will provide an amount of 24 million Japanese Yen 2015-03-18
PR-Japan-Bangla.pdf PR-Japan-English.pdf
9 European Union will provide 690 million Euro 2015-03-01
PR_Europe_Bangla_1315.pdf PR_Europe_English_1315.pdf
8 Kuwait fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) will provide US$34.00 million 2015-02-24
Press Release-Bangla.pdf Press Release-English.pdf
7 World Bank will provide US$ 300 million 2015-02-09
world_bank_bangla 8.2.20150001.pdf world_Bank_English_8.2.20150001.pdf
6 Agreement of 47.00 million Euro was signed between GoB and AFD of French. 2015-02-01
PR_Bangla-IDA.pdf PR-English-IDA .pdf
5 World Bank will provide US$ 375 million 2015-01-26
PR_Bangla-WB_260115 (1).pdf PR-English-WB_260115.pdf
4 Joint Co-operation Arrangment (JCA) 2015-01-25
PR_ Bangla-JCA250115.pdf PR-English-JCA250115.pdf

Total records: 303