This wing is headed by a Joint Secretary. He has to supervise the following to Branches:
(1) Administration Branch and
(2) Middle East Branch.
This wing is responsible for general administration and provision of general services and logistics as well as for the mobilization of foreign resources from the bilateral and multilateral sources of the Middle East countries.
General Administration deals with all administrative functions and general services of ERD that includes personnel management, budget, protocol, training, logistic supports etc.
The external economic assistance from the bilateral and multilateral sources of Middle East countries involves the following major development partners: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Islamic Development Bank (IDB), OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), United Arab Emirates. Bangladesh receives both grants and loans from these sources. This assistance is used in Rehabilitation support for natural disasters.
1. Supervision of all sections under Administration Branch including Library and Documentation Centre.
2. Establishment and personnel matters relating to all categories of employees serving in the ERD.
3. All matters regarding official visits of VIPS and officials of ERD.
4. All matters connected with protocol (including entertainment) of VI PS and other dignitaries on official visits connected with ERD matters.
5. Matters relating to common services and procurement of furniture, stationery and other articles used in office.
6. Preparation of Annual Budget of ERD and of Foreign Economic Missions and preparation of budget for payment of contribution to the international Organization.
7. Release of Foreign exchange for Officers of ERD when they go abroad on official work.
8. Passing of contingency bills.
9. Advance payment from Contingency.
10. Selection and nomination for training and study tour of ERD officials.
11. Departmental selection Committee of ERD for foreign Training.
Section: ADMIN-1
1. Matters relating to personnel administration of Class-I Officers of ERD.
2. Organization of ERD.
3. Departmental Selection Committee for foreign training
4. Nomination of officers for training/study tour both local and foreign as per standing procedures.
5. Deputation of officers for aid negotiations abroad.
6. Security matters.
7. Matters relating to welfare of officers.
8. Matters relating to Administration of the Library and Documentation Centre of ERD.
9. Submission of reports/returns on matters allotted to this section to concerned Ministry/Division/Branch.
10. All other administrative functions not specially mentioned in the charter of duties of the sections of this Branch.
Section: ADMIN-2
1. Matters relating to personnel administration of Class-II & III employees
2. Nomination for training of staff in the STI.
3. Matters relating to staff welfare.
4. Submission of reports/returns on matters of this section to the concerned Ministry/Division/ Branch.
Section: ADMIN-3 (Common Service)
1. Arrangements of office accommodation of the Officers/Staff of ERD.
2. Procurement of stationery and furniture.
3. Maintenance of machines and equipments.
4. Identity cards for Officers/Staff.
5. R & I Unit
6. Submission of reports on matters allotted to this section to the concerned Ministry /Division/Branch.
Section: ADMIN-4 (Protocol)
1. Administration of transport fleet.
2. Arrangements for reception and seeing off foreign delegations dignitaries including purchase of gifts etc
2. Arrangements for accommodation and visas in respect of the foreign delegations/dignitaries, etc.
3. Arrangements for tickets, passports, visas, foreign exchange and other formalities of the officers of ERD when they go
abroad on official tour training etc.
4. Arrangements for official lunch/dinner for foreign delegations, dignitaries etc. as and when required.
5. Submission of reports on matters allotted to this section to the concerned Ministry/Division/Branch.
Section: ADMIN-5
1. Matters relating to personnel administration of class IV employees.
2. Matters relating to personnel administration persons posted abroad.
3. Procurement & supply of liveries for Class-IV employees.
4. Submission of reports/ returns on matters allotted to this section.
Section: ADMIN-6
1. Telex, Fax and Telephones.
2. Conference Room
3. Arrangement of meetings and entertainment therein.
Section: BUDGET
1. Preparation of Annual Budget and Revised Estimates for ERD under the head “1301-Secretariat” and under the head “1303-Other General Economic Services” and also preparation of Budget for Payment of Contribution to International Organizations under the heads “1306-International Agencies”.
2. Sanctioning Foreign Exchange for officers of ERD when they go abroad.
3. Reconciliation of expenditure figures with the Chief Accounts Officer (Foreign Affairs), Dhaka.
4. Sanction of tiffin charge & conveyance charge claims to the employees of ERD.
5. Issuance of all financial GOs.
6. Submission of reports on matters allotted to this section to the concerned Ministry/Division/Branch.
1. Bills of Gazetted Officers,
2. Bills of Non-gazetted staff including disbursement thereof.
3. Contingency bills including bills for contingent staff.
4. Payment of scholarship for foreign students.
5. Maintenance of cash books and registers.
6. Reconciliation of expenditure figures with C.A.O. for budget head“1301-Sectt” concerning ERD.
7. Submission of reports on matters allotted to this section to this section to the concerned Ministry/Division/Branch.
8. Work of Sweden-Bangladesh Trust Fund.
9. Work of telephone bills.
10. Audit work.