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Economic Relations Division Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
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অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগ কর্তৃক আয়োজিত "অভিযোগ প্রতিকার ব্যবস্থা এবং জিআরএস সফটওয়্যার বিষয়ক কর্মশালা" (2025-02-05)
A Grant Agreement and Exchange of Notes has been signed between the Government of Bangladesh and the Government of Japan (2025-02-03)
Validation Workshop on Project Readiness for Foreign Aided Projects (2025-01-28)
The Government of Bangladesh and The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Republic of Korea signed the Record of Discussion (RoD) & Terms of Reference (ToR) for the project “Improvement Project of Rolling Stock Management & Maintenance in Bangladesh” (2025-01-20)
EIB Vice President's meeting with Hon'ble Finance Adviser (2025-01-09)
মতবিনিময় ও বিদায় সংবর্ধনা অনুষ্ঠান (2025-01-05)
বাংলাদেশ ও জাপান সরকারের মধ্যে 'বিনিময় নোট' ও 'অনুদান চুক্তি' স্বাক্ষরিত (2024-12-22)
A Financing Agreement has been signed between the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group for Implement the Second Bangladesh Green and Climate Resilient DPC Program (2024-12-22)
A Financing Agreement has been signed between the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group for Implement the Resilient Urban and Territorial Development Project (RUTDP) (2024-12-22)
The "Skills Training and Employment Promotion for Women Workers in Bangladesh (ADVANTAGE)" project, with a budget of 8 million euros, was officially signed today in a technical cooperation agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. (2024-11-28)
Financial and technical agreements on Development Cooperation amounting EUR 180.807 million have been signed between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany today. (2024-11-28)
11th Session of Bangladesh-EU Joint Commission is Progressing in NEC2 (2024-11-04)
Meeting With UN Trade and Development (2024-10-28)
Three technical cooperation agreement signed with German development corporation GIZ in Berlin on 15th September 2024 (2024-09-15)
Signing of 202.25 million USD grant assistance under Development Objective Grant Agreement (DOAG) between GoB and USAID on 15 September 2024. (2024-09-15)
ADB Workshop Photos_14-07-2024 (2024-07-15)
Signing a Loan Agreement with the Kuwait Fund For Arab Economic Development (KFAED) for “Chunkuri Bridge Project “ in Vienna, Austria while attending the OPEC Fund Development Forum (2024-06-27)
আজ ২৬জুন, ২০২৪ তারিখ বাংলাদেশ ও জাপান সরকারের মধ্যে 'বিনিময় নোট' ও 'অনুদান চুক্তি' স্বাক্ষরিত হয়েছে (2024-06-26)
File Destruction Photo-2024 (2024-06-24)
A four members delegation headed by Mr. Md. Shahriar Kader Siddiky, Secretary, Economic Relations Division (ERD) attended ‘Japanese ODA Loan Operation Program’ during 3-7 June 2024 in Japan. During the visit, the delegation met Mr. Hara Shohei, Senior Vice President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA); Mr. Kusakabe Hideki, Deputy Assistant Minister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Tsuchiya Akihiro, Deputy Director General of Ministry of Finance and Mr. Uehara Atsushi, Vice Minister of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan. (2024-06-10)
Call on with Ambassador of Spain in Bangladesh. (2024-05-23)
Secretary, Economic Relations Division Md Shahriar Kader Siddiky met with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development Dr Barbel Kofler in Berlin during Bangladesh-Germany bilateral Development Negotiations 2024 meeting on 13 th May 2024. (2024-05-20)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব জনাব মোঃ শাহ্‌রিয়ার কাদের ছিদ্দিকী এর নিকট থেকে উদ্ভাবনী পুরস্কার ২০২৩-২৪ গ্রহণ করছেন সিনিয়র সিস্টেম এনালিস্ট জনাব মোঃ সাব্বির বিশ্বাস এবং উপসচিব জনাব মোহাম্মদ আশ্রাফুজ্জামান (2024-05-20)
The K4DM Phase-II project successfully organized a comprehensive two-day training on "Sustainable Project Management and Approval Process of Bangladesh Government" at Hotel Lakeshore, Banani, on 17-18 May 2024. This training aimed to enhance the expertise of government officials in sustainable project management and the intricate approval processes, fostering effective development initiatives for Bangladesh. Hon'ble Secretary Mr. Shahriar Kader Siddiky has graced the event as Chief Guest, where Mr. AKM Sohel, Additional Secretary & Wing Chief (UN), Economic Relations Division (ERD), and National Project Director of the K4DM-II Project chaired the event. (2024-05-18)
Bangladesh-German Development Cooperation Negotiations 2024 were held in Berlin on 13-14 May 2024.Md. Shahriar Kader Siddiky, Secretary, Economic Relations Division (ERD), Ministry of Finance , Government of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh and Ms. Barbara Schäfer, Head of Division for Policy issues of cooperation with Asia, South Asia, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) signed the negotiations protocol on behalf of their respective governments. (2024-05-14)
Three technical cooperation agreements signed with German development corporation GIZ in Berlin on 14 th May 2024.Secretary ERD , Md Shahriar Kader Siddiky and Country Director, GiZ, Dr Andreas Kuck has signed the documents on behalf of their respective governments. (2024-05-14)
tripartite Meeting on WFP Projects/Programme (2024-05-08)
57th annual meeting of the board of governance, ADB (2-5 May 2024) (2024-05-04)
Photo shoot of Bangladesh Delegation team and World Bank Group during WB-IMF Spring Meetings-2024 (2024-05-02)
HFM participating in the first event of ADB Annual Meeting 2024: Tibilisi: Harvesting Hope: Ensuring a Food Secure, Climate Resilient Asia and the Pacifi (2024-05-02)
আজ ২৯ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ তারিখে সৌদি আরবের রিয়াদে আইডিবি এর বোর্ড অব গভর্নরস এর বার্ষিক সভা ২০২৪ অনুষ্ঠানকালে বাংলাদেশ সরকার ও ইসলামিক ডেভেলপমেন্ট ব্যাংক এর মধ্যে ‘Rural and Peri-Urban Housing Finance Project- Second Phase’ শীর্ষক ৫ বছর মেয়াদী প্রকল্পটি বাস্তবায়নের জন্য সর্বমোট ২৭০.৫৭ মিলিয়ন ইউরো (আনুমানিক ২৮৯.৫২ মিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলার) ঋণচুক্তি স্বাক্ষরিত হয় (2024-04-30)
Hon'ble Finance Minister and ERD Secretary attend on Annual Meeting IsDB at Riyad, KSA (2024-04-29)
Photo shoot of Bangladesh Delegation team and World Bank Group during WB-IMF Spring Meetings-2024 (2024-04-28)
আজ ২০ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ তারিখ বাংলাদেশ সরকার ও এশীয় উন্নয়ন ব্যাংক এর মধ্যে ৭১ মিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলার ঋণ চুক্তি স্বাক্ষরিত হয় (2024-04-20)
বঙ্গবন্ধু কন্যা প্রধানমন্ত্রি শেখ হাসিনার সঙ্গে রোববার সকালে গণভবনে এশিয়া উন্নয়ন ব্যাংক এর ভাইশ প্রেসিডেন্টের সৌজন্য সাক্ষাৎ (2024-03-31)
"স্মার্ট বাংলাদেশ বিনির্মাণে স্মার্ট সোসাইটি" শীর্ষক কর্মশালা (2024-03-07)
ERD Secretary's Congratulations and best wishes to Hon'ble Minister of State for Finance (2024-03-03)
Seminar on Global Economic Relations and Diplomacy: Role of ERD (2024-02-24)
“Five MoUs on technical cooperation amounting 22.17 million EUR have been signed between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. Md. Shahriar Kader Siddiky, Secretary, Economic Relations Division (ERD), and Dr. Andreas Kuck, Country Director, GIZ Bangladesh, signed the MoUs on behalf of their respective governments”. (2024-02-14)
Respected Principal Secretary to the Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr. M. Tofazzel Hossain Miah speaking as the chief guest of the ‘Validation Workshop on Final Draft Study Reports on Market Access, Comparative Advantage and Export Diversification and Upscaling the RMG Sector’ organized by the Support to Sustainable Graduation Project of ERD on Wednesday, 31 January 2024. Respected ERD Secretary Mr. Md. Shahriar Kader Siddiky chaired the event. (2024-02-06)
Celebrating the Transfer of Knowledge: Our Honourable Secretary, ERD, presenting the ERD Handbook to our esteemed friend, philosopher, and guide, Mr. Muslim Chowdhury Sir. In reciprocation, Mr. Muslim Chowdhury Sir graciously hands over his book, 'Public Financial Management in Bangladesh,' to our Secretary Sir. Sincere appreciation to all our esteemed ERD colleagues for their active participation with rapt attention in today's mind blowing session. (2024-01-03)
বাংলাদেশ সরকার এবং জাপান সরকারের মধ্যে ৪৪তম ইয়েন লোন প্যাকেজের ৩য় ব্যাচে অন্তর্ভুক্ত ‘Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport Expansion Project (III)’ শীর্ষক প্রকল্পের বিনিময় নোট ও ঋণচুক্তি স্বাক্ষর (2023-12-31)
Signing of 5 Financing Agreements between Bangladesh & World Bank amounting of USD 1118 Million USD (2023-12-18)
ERD signs a grant agreement worth $ 3.79 million with ILO & SDC today. Respected Secretary, ERD Mr. Md. Shahriar Kader Siddiky Sir, ILO Country Director Mr. Tuomo Poutiainen and Ms. Corinne Henchoz Pignani, Chargée d’affaires a.i. Embassy of Switzerland signed the agreement for respective sides. The Officials of UN Wing of ERD, ILO and concerned Ministry and agency were present in the occasion (2023-12-18)
Call on with IOM Chief of Mission (2023-12-17)
ERD signed three grant agreements worth $ 2.07 million with IOM on 17.12.2023. Respected Secretary, ERD Mr. Md. Shahriar Kader Siddiky Sir and IOM Chief of Mission Mr. Abdusattar Esoev signed the agreements for respective sides. The Officials of UN Wing of ERD, ILO and concerned Ministries were present in the occasion. (2023-12-17)
Tree Plantation program of IDCOL at Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn & Plastic Surgery. (2023-12-17)
ERD signs the biggest grant agreement with the Global Fund, Largest Multilateral fund amounting USD 80.68 million for the health sector (2023-12-12)
Signing of 05 Projects LAISE ( Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education), BEIBEY ( Bangladesh Enhancing Investment and Benefits for Early Yefficiency Improvemears) , Gas Sector Ent and Climate Mitigation Project , Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project ,Jamuna River Economic Corridor Development Program. (2023-12-12)
ERD signs three grant agreements with the Global Fund for total grant amount USD 80.68 million. Three health sector programmes will be implemented through this grants. Respected Secretary, ERD Mr. Md. Shahriar Kader Siddiky signed the agreements in presence of respected Secretary, Health Services Division Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam. Wing Chief of UN Wing and other officials from the same wing were also present in the event. (2023-12-12)
বাংলাদেশ সরকার এবং এশীয় উন্নয়ন ব্যাংক এর মধ্যে Climate-resilient Inclusive Development Program (Subprogram-1) কর্মসূচি বাস্তবায়নের লক্ষ্যে ৪০০ মিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলার Ordinary Operation এর ঋণচুক্তি অনুষ্ঠান (2023-12-11)
ADB Signing Photos_11_12_23 (2023-12-11)
RADP Meeting Photos_10_12_23 (2023-12-10)
Today on 10 December 2023, ERD has signed three financial agreements of Technical Assistance projects with UNDP amounting $ 81.4 million. LGD and ICT division will implement the projects . (2023-12-10)
Asia Signing Photos_10_12_23 (2023-12-10)
“Capacity Building of Statistics Service based on Platform” শীর্ষক প্রকল্পের Record of Discussion (RoD) ও Terms of Reference (ToR) স্বাক্ষর অনুষ্ঠানের ছবি (2023-12-10)
Today, on 10 December 2023 Goverment of Bangladesh and Republic of Korea signed the RoD & ToR for the project “Capacity Building of statistics Service based on Platform “Project. Koica will grant US$ 9.65 million to the project implementation. (2023-12-10)
Coordination Meeting Photos_07_12_23 (2023-12-07)
ERD signed Four Technical Assistance Project Agreements with FAO on December 07, 2023. The total grant for four agriculture and food sector projects is USD 7.68 million. Respected ERD Secretary Md. Shahriar Kader Siddiky and Mr. Arnoud Hameleers, FAO Representative, a.i. signed the grant agreements for respective sides. The signing ceremony was moderated by AKM Sohel, Wing Chief (UN), ERD (2023-12-07)
Awards Ceremony for Great Contributors to Development Cooperation (2023-11-30)
ADB signing Photos_28_11_23 (2023-11-28)
নবনিযুক্ত শ্রদ্ধেয় সচিব আজ (২৪ নভেম্বর ২০২৩) সকালে ধানমন্ডির ৩২ নম্বরে জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান এর প্রতিকৃতিতে শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি নিবেদন করেন। (2023-11-24)
WB signing Photos_23_11_23 (2023-11-23)
ইডকল কর্তৃক এককালীন মেধাবৃত্তি প্রদান অনুষ্ঠান (2023-11-19)
Three technical cooperation agreement amounting 25.5 million euros signed today (16 Nov 2023) between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. Ms. Sharifa Khan, Senior Secretary, Economic Relations Divisions and Country Director, GiZ Mr. Andreas Kuck , signed the agreements on behalf of the two governments || International Climate Finance Cell portal Published (30-10-2023) || Global Gateway: EU and Bangladesh sign €400 million for renewable energy and launch negotiations on a new Partnership and Cooperation AgreementG || A loan agreement of US$ 120 million has been signed in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and Asian Development Bank(ADB) || Government of Bangladesh Launches "Capacity Development for Education (CapED) Programme" to Advance Quality Education and Achieve SDG 4 (2023-11-16)
Three technical cooperation agreement amounting 25.5 million euros signed between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. Ms. Sharifa Khan, Senior Secretary, Economic Relations Divisions and Country Director, GiZ Mr. Andreas Kuck , signed the agreements on behalf of the two governments. (2023-11-16)
NIS Photos_16_11_23 (2023-11-16)
Three technical cooperation agreement amounting 25.5 million euros signed today between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. Ms. Sharifa Khan, Senior Secretary, Economic Relations Divisions and Country Director, GiZ Mr. Andreas Kuck , signed the agreements on behalf of the two governments. (2023-11-16)
Global Gateway: EU and Bangladesh sign €400 million for renewable energy and launch negotiations on a new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (2023-10-26)
Hon'ble Minister of the Ministry of Industries Mr. Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun MP speaking during the workshop on ‘Potentials and Challenges of Leather Sector in Bangladesh: Points to Ponder’ organized by the Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of the Economic Relations Division (ERD). ERD Secretary Ms. Sharifa Khan chaired the event. (2023-10-25)
"Board of Governors Annual Meeting of World Bank (WB) Group & International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Several Bilateral Meetings" (2023-10-16)
UN_Unichef Signing Photos_10_04_23 (2023-10-04)
UN_Unichef Signing Photos_10_04_23 (2023-10-04)
ADB signing Photos_04_10_23 (2023-10-04)
Loan agreement and Exchange of Notes of 217,556 milion Japanese Yen (approx. 1500 million USD) for the 7th tranche of Matarbari Ultra Super Critical Coal-fired Power Project were signed between GoB and Government of Japan on 30 September 2023. (2023-09-30)
Our honourable secretary in the AIIB Annual Meeting. President of Egypt on left & President, AIIB on right (2023-09-25)
Two grant agreements on the Sundarbans Mangroves and the Marine Protected Area “Swatch of No Ground (SoNG)”, and ‘Good Working Conditions in Tanneries (GOTAN)’signed between Bangladesh and the Federal Republic of Germany. (2023-09-19)
সচিব মহোদয়ের নীলফামারী উত্তরা ইপিজেড ভ্রমণ (2023-09-19)
ফ্রান্সের প্রেসিডেন্ট ইমানুয়েল ম্যাক্রোঁ ও প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার উপস্থিতিতে প্রধানমন্ত্রীর কার্যালয়ে বাংলাদেশ-ফ্রান্সের মধ্যে বিভিন্ন বিষয়ে সমঝোতা স্মারক স্বাক্ষর। (2023-09-12)
ECNEC Meeting on 12 September, 2023 (2023-09-12)
ADB Meeting Photos_11_09_23 (2023-09-11)
JICA Meeting Photos_09_07_23 (2023-09-07)
echnical cooperation on 'Strengthening Access to Justice and Legal Reforms (SAJLeR)' project has been signed today between the Governments of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.Ms. Sharifa Khan, Secretary, Economic Relations Divisions, Ministry of Finance of Bangladesh and Ms. Nina Clausing, Acting Country Director, German Development Cooperation, GIZ Bangladesh signed the agreements on behalf of the two governments. (2023-09-04)
Two bilateral agreements on Development Cooperation have been signed on Sunday, 3rd September 2023, between the Governments of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany following up on the commitments of the last government negotiations December 2022. The total volume of the agreements is 191 million euro (about BDT 2215 crore) of which 55 million euro will be available as Technical Cooperation (TC) and 136 million euro for Financial Cooperation (FC). Ms. Sharifa Khan, Secretary, Economic Relations Divisions, Ministry of Finance of Bangladesh and Mr. Jan Janowski, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bangladesh signed the agreements on behalf of the two governments. (2023-09-04)
Europe Signing Photos_03_09_23 (2023-09-03)
Signing Ceremony of Leaving No one Behind: Improving Skills and Economic Opportunities for the Women and Youths in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh (2023-09-03)
Signing Ceremony of Integrating Geospatial Information with Gender & vital Statistics Project (2023-09-03)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগে কর্মরত ১০ম হতে ২০তম গ্রেডের কর্মচারীগণের এস. এস. সি/ 'ও' লেভেল এবং এইচ. এস. সি/'এ' লেভেল পর্যায়ে উত্তীর্ণ মনোনীত সন্তানদের অনুকূলে মেধা বৃত্তির চেক প্রদান অনুষ্ঠান ও এ বিভাগের সকল কর্মকর্তা/কর্মচারী দের হেপাটাইটিস বি টিকা দান কর্মসূচির ছবি (2023-09-03)
NIS Photos_30_08_23 (2023-08-30)
Technical Assistance Project Agreement Signed between Bangladesh and FAO_29_08_23 (2023-08-29)
A loan agreement has been signed 28th August, 2023 in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2023-08-28)
A Financing Agreement has been signed today on 27 August 2023 between the Government og the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and the International Development Association of the World Bank Group for an Amount of USD 300.00 million Loan to implement the "Economic Acceleration and Resilience for NEET Project". (2023-08-27)
Meeting with Chinese President (2023-08-24)
UN ILO signing Photos_17_08_23 (2023-08-18)
স্বাধীনতার মহান স্থপতি ও জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের ৪৮তম শাহাদাত বার্ষিকী ও জাতীয় শোক দিবস-২০২৩ উপলক্ষে আলোচনা ও দোয়ার মাহফিল (2023-08-17)
Two loan agreements for "Rural Connectivity Improvement Project- Second Additional Financing" and Improving Urban Governance and Infrastructure Program" have been signed in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh(GoB) and Asian Development Bank(ADB) (2023-08-16)
Free Hepatitis B and C Screening by B E A C O N Pharmaceutical PLC " (2023-08-14)
Training on Debt Management and Financing Proposal Analysis, 03-05 August, 2023 (2023-08-10)
21 LoC Project Review Meeting between BD & India (2023-08-06)
'Preventing and Screening of Heart Disease with Social Participation and Awareness Development’ শীর্ষক একটি সেমিনার (2023-07-20)
Three Technical Assistance Project agreements have been signed between The Bangladesh Government and The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2023-07-20)
A Grant Agreement of 472Million Japanese Yen has been signed today (17 July,2023) between the Government of Bangladesh and the Government of Japan for the project titled ‘The Project for Human Resource development Scholarship (JDS) (2023-07-17)
JICA's Executive Senior Vice President paid a courtesy call on Honourable Finance Minister on 06.07.2023. (2023-07-09)
JICA's Executive Senior Vice President paid a courtesy call on Honourable Prime Minister at Bangladesh Parliament Building (06.07.2023) (2023-07-09)
UN Signing Ceremony (04.07.2023) (2023-07-04)
Bangladesh-Japan Official Development Assistance (ODA) Policy Dialogue ( 03 July 2023) (2023-07-03)
Exchange of Notes’ and ‘Loan Agreement’ for the budget support loan titled ‘Development Policy Loan for Strengthening Public Financial Management’ under 44th Japanese ODA loan Package (1st batch) have been signed today between the Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Government of Japan (2023-06-27)
A Loan Agreement titled "Loan 4321-BAN: South Asia Sub-regional Economic Cooperation Chittagong-Cox's Bazar Railway Project, Phase 1-Tranche 3" has been signed between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and Asia Development Bank (ADB) (2023-06-26)
Credit Facility Agreements [CFA]s of the three (03) projects were signed between the Government of Bangladesh and the Agence Francaise De-Development [AFD] (2023-06-25)
A Grant Agreement has been signed between the Government of Bangladesh and the Government of Japan for the project titled ‘The Fourth Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP-4) (2023-06-21)
Loan Agreements signed in World Bank HQ, Washington, D.C., USA. 5 (Five) Loans are- 1) Resilient Infrastructure Building Project (RIVER) 2) Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS)- Bangladesh Phase-1 Project 3) Bangladesh Environmental Sustainability and transformation (BEST) Project 4) ‘First Bangladesh Green and Climate Resilient Development (GCRD)’ (Budget Support) 5) ‘Sustainable Microenterprise and Resilient Transformation (SMART) (2023-06-20)
AIIB Signing Ceremony (2023-06-14)
A loan agreement has been signed between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for an amount of USD 400 million titled Sustainable Economic Recovery Program- Subprogram 2 (2023-06-14)
World Bank Singing Photo (2023-06-13)
ইআরডই'র ব্যক্তিগত কর্মকর্তা জনাব এস এম সালাউদ্দিন এর অসুস্থতাজনিত কারণে ইডকল এর চেয়ারম্যান ও সচিব অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগ সালাউদ্দিনের মায়ের হাতে দুই লক্ষ টাকার চেক হস্তান্তর করেন (2023-06-13)
UNSDCF Joint Steering Committee Meeting (2023-06-11)
ই-গভর্ন্যান্স ও উদ্ভাবন কর্মপরিকল্পনা বাস্তবায়িত শোকেসিং বিষয়ক কর্মশালার এবং ৪র্থ শিল্পবিপ্লবের চ্যালেঞ্জ মোকাবিলায় বিষয়ভিত্তিক কর্মশালা (2023-06-07)
Nordic Signing Photos (2023-06-07)
World Bank Singing Photo (2023-06-07)
A Grant Agreement of US$ 12.40 millions has been signed in Dhaka today (05 June 2023) between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and Asian Development (ADB) Bank to Finance the ongoing " Fourth Primary Education Development Program (PEDP-4)") (2023-06-05)
শুদ্ধাচার সংক্রান্ত প্রশিক্ষণ ২০২২-২৩ (2023-06-04)
জাতীয় শুদ্ধাচার পুরষ্কার ২০২২-২৩ (2023-06-04)
Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of the Economic Relations Division (ERD) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) financed Bangladesh Trade Facilitation project jointly organized a seminar titled ‘Impacts of LDC Graduation on the Agriculture Sector and the Way Forward’. Honorable Minister of Agriculture Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, MP graced the occasion as chief guest. Honorable State Minister of Planning Dr. Shamsul Alam was present as special guest. ERD Secretary Ms. Sharifa Khan chaired the event. Additional Secretary of ERD and Project Director of SSGP delivered the welcome remarks of the event (2023-06-04)
Attended New Development Bank Eight Annual meeting, Shanghai, China. (2023-06-02)
Training on ‘The Art of Smart Office Management and Record Keeping: Strategies for achieving efficiency’, Date: 25-27 May, 2023, Organized by: K4DM Phase-II, ERD (2023-05-30)
ERD Secretary Ms. Sharifa Khan speaking as the chief guest of the workshop on ‘Draft Study Report on Transition Financing for Sustainable Graduation of Bangladesh’ organized by the Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of ERD on 21 May 2023. Additional Secretary and Wing Chief of the Development Effectiveness Wing of ERD and Project Director of SSGP Mr. Farid Aziz chaired the event. (2023-05-24)
ERD Secretary Ms. Sharifa Khan Delivering Lecture at NDC on 24 May 2023 (2023-05-24)
ERD Secretary Ms. Sharifa Khan speaking as the chief guest of the workshop on ‘LDC Graduation and SDG Achievement Nexus’ organized by the Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of ERD on 21 May 2023. Additional Secretary and Wing Chief of the Development Effectiveness Wing of ERD and Project Director of SSGP Mr. Farid Aziz chaired the event. (2023-05-24)
A Project agreement was signed between the Economic Relations Division (ERD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on May 22. 2023 (2023-05-23)
The Economic Relations Division (ERD), in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Institute of Water Modeling (IWM), successfully conducted a validation workshop on the Technical Updating of GCF Country Program in Bangladesh on May 22, 2023. (2023-05-23)
79th Annual Meeting of UNESCAP (2023-05-16)
An Inception Workshop on the ‘Study on Upscaling the RMG Sector’ was organized by the Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of ERD on 10 May 2023. Additional Secretary and Wing Chief of the Development Effectiveness Wing of ERD and Project Director of SSGP Mr. Farid Aziz chaired the event. (2023-05-15)
Bangladesh is elected as Executive Director of Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and also Honoured with ITFC’s "Largest Financing Partner" Award (2023-05-13)
A training program on ‘LDC Graduation and Its Implications for Bangladesh’ was organized by the Support to Sustainable Graduation Project of ERD on 08 May 2023. Member of the Planning Commission Mr. Abdul Baki attended the event as Chief Guest while Additional Secretary and Wing Chief of the World Bank Wing of ERD Mr. Md. Shahriar Kader Siddiky was present as special guest. Additional Secretary and Wing Chief of the Development Effectiveness Wing of ERD chaired the program. (2023-05-09)
56th Annual Meeting of Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2023-05-07)
Bangladesh-WB 50 year's friendship (2023-05-02)
Signing Ceremony of Economic Relations Division with China (27.04.2022) (2023-04-27)
ERD Secretary Ms. Sharifa Khan speaking during a training on ‘LDC Graduation Impacts on Trade, Tariff, and Intellectual Property Rights’ organized by the Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of ERD on 25 April 2023 at the NEC2 Conference Room. (2023-04-26)
Signing ceremony of ERD with ADB (2023-04-19)
Meeting with JICA_17.04.2023 (2023-04-19)
Signing ceremony of ERD and UNFPA on Child Marriage reduction, Capacity development of youth and Integration of population dynamics. (2023-04-18)
Meeting of the Secretary of the ERD with the Eu Ambassador_16.04.2023 (2023-04-18)
Knowledge Dissemination Programme on Developing the Blue Economy through Sustainable Marine Resource Management held on 06 April 2023 at NEC-2 Conference Room (2023-04-16)
The LCG GoB-DP Plenary meeting was held virtually on 13 April 2023. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Sharifa Khan, Secretary, Economic Relations Division (ERD) and co-chaired by Ms. Gwyn Lewis, UN Resident Coordinator (UNRC) in Bangladesh. The representatives from Government and Development Partners (DP) were present in the meeting. (2023-04-13)
Agreement signing with FAO (2023-04-06)
A bilateral agreement named Accident Insurance for Employees in the Textile and Leather Sector (Working title: Social Protection for Workers in the Textile and Leather Sector (SoSi) amounting 7.0 million Euros grants have been signed on Thursday, 30 March 2023, between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on Development Cooperation. Ms. Sharifa Khan, Secretary, Economic Relations Division (ERD), Ministry of Finance has signed the ‘Grant Agreement’ on behalf of the Government of Bangladesh. Dr. Andreas Kuck, Country Director, GIZ Dhaka office in Bangladesh signed the agreement on behalf of their respective government. The objective of the project is to improve the conditions for access to social protection for workers in the textile and leather sector. (2023-03-30)
Signing Ceremony of Exchange of Notes and Loan Agreements of Japanese 43rd (2nd batch) Official Development Assistance (2023-03-29)
Celebrating Bangladesh -ADB 50 years of Partnership (2023-03-17)
জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান এঁর ১০৩ তম জন্মবর্ষিকী ও জাতীয় শিশু দিবস ২০২৩ উদযাপন উপলক্ষে আলোচনা সভা (2023-03-17)
A Bilateral meeting with Mr. Stephan Opitz, Member, Management Committee, KfW Development Bank, Germany with Secretary, ERD. H.E. Achim Tröster, German Ambassador to Bangladesh and other high officials from both the sides were also present in the meeting (2023-03-16)
"ই-গভর্ন্যান্স ও উদ্ভাবন কর্মপরিকল্পনা ২০২২-২৩ বাস্তবায়ন" শীর্ষক প্রশিক্ষণ (২য় ও ৩য় শ্রেণী) (2023-03-13)
Signing of Grant Agreement (an amount of 997 million Japanese Yen or equivalent to approximately Taka 75.095 crore or USD 8.68 million) between the Government of Bangladesh and the Government of Japan for 'The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Technical Education' (2023-03-13)
Signing of soft loan worth of US$3.00 billion between the Government of Bangladesh and the Government of Korea (2023-03-13)
Conference of Bangladesh Envoys in the Middle East (2023-03-12)
A joint side event of Bangladesh, Nepal and Lao PDR on Sustainable Graduation was held on 5 March 2023 on the sidelines of LDC5 Conference, Doha, Qatar. Hon'ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh and Deputy Prime Minister of Nepal and Deputy Prime Minister of Lao PDR attended the event and deliver speeches. Secretary, ERD made the country presentation. The speakers stressed the need for extending international supports measures beyond graduation. (2023-03-05)
Visit Indonesia of ERD Secretary Ms. Sharifa Khan (2023-02-24)
শুদ্ধাচার সংক্রান্ত প্রশিক্ষণ (2023-02-19)
Signing Ceremony of Economic Relations Division with Japan (2023-02-16)
A Courtesy Call with JICA Representatives (2023-02-12)
Tripartite Portfolio Review Meeting with JICA (2023-01-23)
Courtesy call with World Bank Representatives at Economic Relations Division (ERD) (2023-01-19)
Meeting with AIIB at Economic Relations Division (ERD) (2023-01-19)
Courtesy call with World bank Chief at Economic Relations Divivsion (ERD) (2023-01-19)
Celebration of Happy New Year 2023 at Economic Relations Division (2023-01-03)
ঢাকা আন্তর্জাতিক বাণিজ্য মেলা ২০২৩ পরিদর্শন (2023-01-02)
এটুআই প্রোগ্রাম কর্তৃক বাস্তবায়িত i-Lab কার্যক্রম দর্শন (2023-01-01)
জাতীয় শুদ্ধাচার কৌশল প্রশিক্ষণ (2022-12-27)
Signing Ceremony of "Transport Master Plan and Preliminiary Feasibility Study for Urban Metro Rail Transit Construction of Chattogram Metropolitan Area" Between The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) The Republic of Korea (2022-12-27)
Action Plan for Implementation of the Doha Program of Action (DPoA) (2022-12-27)
Courtesy Call with Turkish Ambassador (2022-12-27)
LDC5 Meeting (2022-12-27)
Today on 26 December 2022 loan agreements for (i) Third Public-Private Infrastructure Development Facility - (Tranche 2) amounting to 278.29 million USD (ii) Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Project (BRT- Gazipur) additional financing amounting to 100 million USD and (iii) Coastal Towns Climate Resilience Project including 246 million USD loan and 4 million USD grant have been signed in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2022-12-26)
4th Industrial Revolution Seminar (2022-12-26)
ADB & PKSF Signing Ceremony (2022-12-26)
Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of Economic Relations Division (ERD) organized a workshop on ‘UNCTAD LDC Report 2022: Implications for Bangladesh’ on 19 December 2022. Hon’ble State Minister of the Ministry of Planning Dr. Shamsul Alam was the chief guest of the workshop. UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh Ms. Gwyn Lewis attended the workshop as the Guest of Honor. ERD Secretary Ms. Sharifa Khan chaired the event. (2022-12-19)
২০২২-২০২৩ অর্থবছরের সংশোধিত বার্ষিক উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচি (আরএডিপি) প্রণয়নের লক্ষ্যে সকল বৈদেশিক সাহায্যপুষ্ট প্রকল্পসমূহের প্রকল্প সাহায্য বরাদ্দের প্রাক্কলন নির্ধারণ সংক্রান্ত সভা। (2022-12-18)
Negotiations Meeting on Development Cooperation Between Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Government of the Federal Republic of Germany (2022-12-12)
Signing Ceremony Between Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Korea International Cooperation Agency, The Republic of Korea (2022-12-12)
Ms. Sharifa Khan, Secretary, Economic Relations Division and Mr. Robert D Simpson, FAO Representative in Bangladesh signed four project agreements (grant) for different sectors on 11 December 2022 (2022-12-12)
JDS scholarship experience sharing program in NEC Building (2022-12-09)
দুই-দিন ব্যাপী অনুষ্ঠিত বার্ষিক কর্মসম্পাদন চুক্তি বিষয়ক প্রশিক্ষণ (2022-12-07)
বাংলাদেশকে উন্নয়নশীল দেশ থেকে উন্নত দেশে পরিণত করতে স্নাতক অর্জন সংক্রান্ত জাতীয় কমিটির প্রতিবেদন প্রধানমন্ত্রীর কাছে উপস্থাপন (2022-12-06)
A loan agreement of USD 200 million along with a Project Agreement for Microenterprise Financing and Credit Enhancement Project has been signed today (06 December 2022) in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2022-12-06)
Signing Ceremony of Cooperation Agreement of the project “ Digitization of Fortification of Edible Improved Monitoring, Quality Control and Capacity Building” Between Government of Bangladesh and Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) (2022-11-28)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব মহোদয়ের উপস্থিতিতে ২০২২-২০২৩ অর্থ বছরের বার্ষিক উদ্ভাবন কর্মপরিকল্পনার ২য় কর্মশালা অনুষ্ঠিত (2022-11-28)
Seminar Program on The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship by Japanese Grant and Aid (JDS Bangladesh) (2022-11-28)
Signing Ceremony of Energy Efficiency and Grid Integration of Renewable Energy || (EEGIRE ||) Between Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Government of the Federal Republic of Germany (2022-11-28)
Four bilateral agreements amounting 44.93 million Euros grants have been signed on Tuesday, 15th November 2022, between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on Development Cooperation (2022-11-15)
Workshop on Capacity Building in Standard Bengali Language. (2022-11-14)
Meeting between Ms Sharifa Khan, Secretary, ERD and Mr. Martin Raiser, Vice President, South Asia Region, World Bank held on 13 November 2022 (2022-11-14)
Hon'ble Prime Minister Call-on meeting with Mr. Martin Raiser, Vice President, South Asia Region and Mr. Abdoulaye Seck, Incoming Country Director, Bangladesh and Bhutan, World Bank. (2022-11-14)
Grant Agreement Signing Ceremony of 'The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS)' Project (2022-11-07)
Signing agreed minutes after days of discussion with the Saudi Government on trade, culture, investment and Economic cooperation (31 October 2022) (2022-10-31)
Courtesy Call with Represntatives of Korean Exim Bank (2022-10-26)
Courtesy call of Mr. Edimon Ginting, Country Director, ADB Bangladesh Resident Mission with Sharifa Khan, Secretary, ERD (2022-10-26)
Grant Agreement Signing Ceremony of 'The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS)' Project (2022-10-26)
বিসিএস প্রশাসন ক্যাডারের নবীন কর্মকর্তাদের অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগে উন্নয়ন প্রশাসন বিষয়ক প্রশিক্ষণ (2022-10-26)
ERD Secretary Ms. Sharifa Khan speaking during the workshop on ‘’Local Level Stakeholders Consultation on Inclusive, Smooth and Sustainable LDC Graduation’’ held at the Circuit House Conference Room in Sylhet on 22 October 2022. Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of ERD organized the workshop in collaboration with the district administration of Sylhet as well as the Sylhet Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (2022-10-23)
Attended Commonwealth Fintech Side Event at IMF HQ2 Building, Wa DC; USA (2022-10-11)
Workshop on ‘Man-Made Fiber for Moving up the Value Chain of RMG in the Context of LDC Graduation’ at the NEC Conference Room on 04 October 2022 (2022-10-09)
With President Sri Lanka and President ADB (2022-09-29)
Attending South Asia finance ministers meeting (2022-09-29)
Tripartite Portfolio Review Meeting With World Bank (2022-09-28)
Training on Negotiation Strategies of Development Financing (2022-09-28)
Bilateral Meeting With World Bank Vice President (2022-09-28)
প্রশাসনিক কর্মকর্তা জনাব আবুল কালাম আজাদ এর অবসর গ্রহণ (2022-09-28)
Meeting on Proposed Healthcare and Vaccine Manufacturing Project (2022-09-28)
A bilateral meeting between A F M Mustafa Kamal, FCA, MP, Hon'ble Finance Minister, Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh and Mr. Martin Raiser, Vice President, South Asia Region, World Bank was held on 20 September 2022 (2022-09-26)
The new Chief Representative of JICA Bangladesh Office Mr. Ichiguchi Tomohide called on the Secretary, ERD on 22 September 2022. (2022-09-21)
A Financing Agreement (Addendum no. 2) of 'Support to National Social Strategy Reforms in Bangladesh (NSSS)' of 100 million euros have been signed on 15 September 2022 between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the European Union (EU). (2022-09-19)
Hon’ble Commerce Minister Mr. Tipu Munshi, MP speaking during the workshop on ‘Augmenting Competitiveness by Improving Trade Facilitation’ jointly organized by Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of ERD and Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (MCCI) (2022-09-18)
Local Consultative Group (LCG) GoB-DP Plenary Meeting held on 11 September, 2022 (2022-09-13)
The departing Chief Representative of JICA Bangladesh Office Mr. Yuho Hayakawa called on the Secretary, ERD on 08 September 2022. (2022-09-08)
Courtesy visit of H.E. Mr. Espen Rikter-Svendsen, the Norwegian Ambassador to Bangladesh with Sharifa Khan, respected Secretary, Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance. (2022-09-06)
বিশ্বব্যাঙ্কের কান্ট্রি ডিরেক্টর মিস মার্সি টেম্বন গত ২৪ আগস্ট ২০২২ তারিখে মাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার সাথে বিদায়ী সৌজন্য সাক্ষাৎ করেন। (2022-09-05)
Participants of the workshop on ‘Effective Engagement of the Media for Sustainable Graduation’ pose for a group photo. Support to Sustainable Graduation Project of ERD organized the workshop on 01 September 2022 (2022-09-01)
ERD Secretary Ms. Sharifa khan speaking during the opening plenary of the ‘South-South Exchange on Preparing Smooth Transition Strategies: Graduating cohort of 2021’ in Bangkok on 23 August 2022 (2022-08-23)
জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান, বঙ্গমাতা শেখ ফজিলাতুন্নেছা ও ১৫ আগস্ট ১৯৭৫-এ নিহত সকল শহিদের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি (2022-08-15)
Hon’ble Adviser to the Prime Minister on Private Industry and Investment Mr. Salman F. Rahman speaking during the seminar on ‘Preparedness of Pharmaceutical Sector for LDC Graduation’ jointly organized by Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of ERD and Business Initiative Leading Development (BUILD) (2022-08-11)
A Financial agreement of US$ 300.00 million have been signed on 07 August 2022 between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the IDA of the World Bank (2022-08-08)
Courtesy Meeting between Ms Sharifa Khan, Secretary, Economic Relations Division and Mr. Martin Holtmann, Country Manager, International Finance Corporation (IFC) held on July 11, 2022. Bilateral issues regarding Private Sector financing and development were discussed in the meeting. Mr. Holtmann informed IFC is committed to finance $ 1 Billion per year as per Country Strategy for FY 22-26. Secretary, ERD asked IFC to explore opportunities for different sectors which can play important role in private sector development. (2022-07-31)
গোপালগঞ্জের টুঙ্গীপাড়ায় জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের সমাধিস্থলে ইআরডি’র সচিব জনাব শরিফা খান-এর ফাতেহা পাঠ এবং শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন (২৯ জুলাই ২০২২) (2022-07-31)
WTO MC-12: Implications for Graduating LDCs (26 July 2022) (2022-07-27)
A Meeting of the Honorable Secretary, ERD with KfW delegation led by Ms. Carolin Gassner, KfW's Regional Director of South Asia Accompanied by Mr. Florian Hollen, Head of Development Cooperation, German Embassy; Mr. Anirban Kundu, KfW Country Director (outgoing); and Mr. Michael Sumser, KfW Country Director (New) (2022-07-25)
Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan, Mr. Honda Taro and President of JICA, Dr. Tanaka Akihiko paid a courtesy call on with Hon'ble Prime Minister on 24.07.2022. (2022-07-24)
Briefing Session on Bangladesh 2022 Country Performance Assessment (CPA) (21_07_2022) (2022-07-21)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সাবেক সচিব জনাব মনোয়ার আহমেদ-এর মৃত্যুতে স্মরণ সভা ও দোয়া মাহফিল (2022-07-20)
Meeting between 10-20 Grade & Secretary (2022-07-20)
An online meeting for analysing the Terms of Reference for the proposed ‘Study on Investment, Human Resource Development and Capacity Building in Various Sectors’ took place on 19 July (Tuesday) 2022 through Zoom platform. Additional Secretary and Wing Chief of the Development Effectiveness Wing of ERD Mr. Farid Aziz chaired the meeting. High level officials from Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Commerce, ERD, SSGP and other relevant ministries and agencies took part in the meeting. (2022-07-19)
নবনিযুক্ত সচিব মিজ্ শরিফা খান-এর নিকট দায়িত্ব হস্তান্তর (2022-07-17)
নবনিযুক্ত সচিব মিজ্ শরিফা খান-এর যোগদান উপলক্ষ্যে মত বিনিময় সভা ও অনুবিভাগভিত্তিক উপস্থাপনা (2022-07-17)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব মহোদয় সিনিয়র সচিব হিসেবে পদোন্নতি পেয়ে অর্থ বিভাগের দায়িত্ব পাওয়ায় বিদায় সংবর্ধনা (2022-07-17)
A loan agreement of USD 500 million for the Electricity DistributionModernization Program (EDMP), and a Clean Technology Fund (CTF) Grant Agreement of $15 million were signed on 29 June 2022 at the Economic Relations Division (ERD) between the Government of Bangladesh and the World Bank Group (2022-06-30)
A grant agreement of US$ 41.40 million and a loan agreement of US$ 30 million for “Emergency Assistance Project- Additional Financing” have been signed on 29 June 2022 in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2022-06-30)
Today on 28th June 2022, ‘Exchange of Notes’ and ‘Loan Agreements’ for two Development Projects under 43rd ODA Loan Package and ‘Grand Agreement’ for one project have been signed between the Government of Bangladesh and Government of Japan. (2022-06-29)
ERD and BPATC Jointly Organize ToT on Bangladesh’s LDC Graduation (2022-06-22)
15th PSC Meeting of SSGP Held (2022-06-19)
Development Cooperation Effectiveness (DCE) Working Group (WG) First Meeting (2022-06-16)
A loan agreement of USD 143 million for South Asia Sub-regional Economic Cooperation (SASEC)) Integrated Trade Facilitation Sector Development Program has been signed 15 June 2022 in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2022-06-15)
শুদ্ধাচার পুরস্কার ২০২২ (2022-06-15)
A loan agreement of USD 250 million (OCR Regular) for Strengthening Social Resilience Program - Subprogram 2 has been signed today (14 June 2022) in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2022-06-14)
The 12th meeting of the Project Implementation Committee of the Support to Sustainable Graduation Project (SSGP) of ERD took place on 09 June 2022. Wing Chief of the Development Effectiveness Wing of ERD and the Project Director of SSGP Mr. Farid Aziz chaired the meeting. The meeting analysed the overall progress of the project as well as the future course of action. (2022-06-12)
Workshop on Government of India-Supported Exim Bank's Lines of Credit [GOILOC] and Joint Discussion on GOILOC Handbook on Process, Procedures and Timelines (2022-06-08)
জাতীয় শুদ্ধাচার কৌশল (NIS) ২০২১-২২ এর আওতায় শুদ্ধাচার সংক্রান্ত প্রশিক্ষণ (2022-06-08)
Industrial Revolution Workshop (UN) (2022-06-06)
Bangladesh hosted a side event on the sideline of 78th Annual Session of UNESCAP on 23 May 2022 entitled “Sustainable graduation in the challenging situation: Perspectives from Bangladesh and the region in the light of Doha Programme of Action (DPoA)”. Ms. Fatima Yasmeen, Secretary, ERD chaired the event. (2022-05-29)
Signing Ceremony- (Country Programming Framework for Bangladesh 2022-2026) (2022-05-25)
Meeting on Co-ordination & Nordic Wing (2022-05-23)
EDCF Policy Dialogue Between The Government of Bangladesh & The Government of Korea/23.05.2022 (2022-05-23)
গত ১৮/০৫/২০২২ তারিখে ইআরডি'র ৩য় শ্রেণীর সকল কর্মচারীদের অংশগ্রহণে আয়োজিত ওয়েবসাইট বিষয়ক সেমিনার (2022-05-18)
ADB Negotiation (2022-05-18)
ERD Secretary Ms. Fatima Yasmin took part (virtually) in ADB Annual Meeting on 05 May 2022 (2022-05-17)
ডিজিটাল নিরাপত্তা সংক্রান্ত সচেতনতা সৃষ্টিমূলক সেমিনার (১০/০৫/২০২২) (2022-05-17)
৪র্থ শিল্প বিপ্লব সম্পর্কিত নীতিমালাসমূহ এবং এর চ্যালেঞ্জ মোকাবেলায় বাংলাদেশের করণীয় শীর্ষক কর্মশালা (2022-05-16)
৪র্থ শিল্প বিপ্লবের উপাদানসমূহ এবং চ্যালেঞ্জ মোকাবেলা শীর্ষক কর্মশালা (2022-05-12)
Meeting followed by dinner in honour of Mr. Shixin Chen, Vice President (Operations 1), ADB (2022-05-11)
V20 conference during World Bank Spring Meeting 2022. (2022-05-02)
১৮/০৪/২০২২ খ্রি. তারিখে অনুষ্ঠিত মাসিক সমন্বয় সভা (2022-04-18)
উন্নয়নশীল দেশে বাংলাদেশের উত্তরণ উদযাপন উপলক্ষে ৩১ মার্চ ২০২২ তারিখ কক্সবাজারে আয়োজিত উৎসব অনুষ্ঠান (2022-04-04)
‘Exchange of Notes’ and ‘Loan Agreement’ have been signed between the Government of Bangladesh and the Government of Japan for 5th tranche of loans for financing Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project, Line 6 under 42nd ODA Loan Package (2nd batch) (2022-03-29)
Official Launching of the World Bank Technical Assistance (TA) of the Proposed "Restoration of Rivers Surrounding Dhaka City Including Karnaphuli River Chattogram' Project" (2022-03-29)
Portfolio Review meeting Of The Agence Francaise de Development funded Projects (2022-03-28)
ভারতীয় নমনীয় ঋণ (লাইন অব ক্রেডিট-LOC) এর আওতায় গৃহীত প্রকল্প সংক্রান্ত গঠিত High Level Project Monitoring Committee'র সভা (2022-03-27)
Bangladesh-German Development Cooperation Consultations Meeting-2022 (2022-03-22)
জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান এর ১০২ তম জন্মবার্ষিকী জাতীয় শিশু দিবস ২০২২ উদযাপন উপলক্ষ্যে আয়োজিত আলোচনা সভা ও দোয়া অনুষ্ঠান (2022-03-16)
Tripartite Portfolio Review Meeting (2022-03-15)
National Workshop on Resource Mobilization for Bangladesh's Smooth Graduation from the LDC Group. (2022-03-14)
Tripartite Portfolio Review Meeting with ADB (2022-03-14)
৮ মার্চ আন্তর্জাতিক নারী দিবস উপলক্ষ্যে মাননীয় সচিব মহদোয়ের সভাপতিত্বে সভা (2022-03-08)
২০২২-২০২৩ অর্থ বছরের বার্ষিক উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচি (এডিপি) এবং ২০২৩-২০২৪, ২০২৪-২০২৫, ২০২৫-২০২৬ অর্থ বছরের এডিপি প্রক্ষেপন প্রণয়নের লক্ষ্যে বৈদেশিক সাহায্যপুষ্ট সকল চলমান ও অনুমোদিত নতুন প্রকল্পসমুহের প্রকল্প সাহায্য বরাদ্দ প্রাক্কলন নির্ধারণের জন্য সভা (2022-03-06)
Loan Agreement Signing Ceremony Flood & River Bank Erosion Risk Management Investment Program (Project 2) and Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply Project- Additional Financing (2022-03-02)
১৯৫২ এর ভাষা আন্দোলনে শহিদদের প্রতি গভীর শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি (2022-02-21)
Workshop on Project Approval and Management Process: Issues and Concerns with the Project Directors of the World Bank financed projects and other selected projects with the support of Industry and Energy Division (IED), Planning Commission, on 14 February, 2022, organized by Central Co-ordination Unit of the Private Investment and Digital Entrepreneurship Project (CCU-PRIDE), World Bank Wing, Economic Relations Division (2022-02-15)
German Negotiation Meeting (30.01.2022) (2022-02-01)
Pictures of Tripartite Portfolio Review Meeting with World Bank (2022-01-30)
The Bangladesh-UNICEF Country Program Document 2022-2026 was signed on 23 January 2022 at Economic Relations Division (ERD) (2022-01-24)
A loan agreement of USD 295 million for Enhancing Digital Government & Economy (EDGE) Project was signed on 09 January 2022 at the Economic Relations Division (ERD) between the Government of Bangladesh and the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group (2022-01-20)
TC Agreement signing ceremony with Germany (2022-01-11)
জোরসে চলো বাংলাদেশ (2022-01-06)
স্বাধীনতার সুবর্ণজয়ন্তী এবং জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের জন্মশতবার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে অর্থ মন্ত্রণালয় এবং পরিকল্পনা মন্ত্রণালয় যৌথভাবে Bangladesh at 50: Realization of Dreams through Humane and Patriotic Leadership শীর্ষক একটি গ্রন্থ প্রকাশ করেছে (2022-01-04)
A Finance Contract of EUR 250 million has been singed on 29 December 2021 between the Government of Bangladesh and the European Investment Bank (2021-12-30)
A Loan agreement of US$ 13.5 million (OCR concessional) has been signed today on 23 December 2021 in Dhaka Between the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2021-12-23)
The Government of Japan will provide an amount of 462 million Japanese Yen (JDS) (2021-12-23)
SigningCeremony of Exchange of Notes Grant Agreement and record of Discusstions for 5 project (2021-12-22)
২০২১-২২ অর্থ-বছরের সংশোধিত বার্ষিক উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচি (আরএডিপি) প্রণয়নের লক্ষ্যে সকল বৈদেশিক সাহায্যপুষ্ট প্রকল্পসমূহের প্রকল্প সাহায্য বরাদ্দ প্রাক্কলন নির্ধারণ সংক্রান্ত সভা (2021-12-22)
3rd Session of the Bangladesh-Russia Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. (2021-12-15)
জাতীয় মানব উন্নয়ন প্রতিবেদন (এনএইচডিআর)-২০২১ শুভ উদ্বোধন (2021-12-09)
Bilateral Meeting Between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the World Bank (05 December 2021) (2021-12-05)
Signing ceremony of 42nd Japanese ODA loan Package and budget support (phase 2) loan (22.11.2021). (2021-12-02)
Supporting Post COVID-19 Small Scale Employment Creation Project (2021-11-29)
Farewell of Ms. Mia Seppo, Resident Coordinator, UN in Bangladesh. (2021-11-28)
A courtesy meeting along with a discussion on the future strategy of Denmark assistance in Bangladesh. (2021-11-23)
Meeting with EU ambassador (2021-11-23)
Meeting with Russian Trade Commissioner (2021-11-21)
Launching of United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2022-2026 (2021-11-21)
The LCG GoB-DP Plenary Meeting (2021-11-21)
Meeting with Spanish ambassador dated 21-11-2021 (2021-11-21)
Fifth Session of the Bangladesh-United Arab Emirates Joint Commission has been held today (15 November 2021) in Dhaka (2021-11-15)
Signing of two Credit Facility Agreements on 'Vaccination and Health Sector Budget Support' and 'Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply Project. (2021-11-11)
Laon Agreement signed with AIIB on 01 November 2021 to provide budget support of USD 250 million to combat the adverse impacts of Covid-19 (2021-11-01)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব মিজ ফাতিমা ইয়াসমিন -এর সভাপতিত্বে আজ (২৬/১০/২০২১) মাসিক সমন্বয় সভা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। (2021-10-26)
The Earth Primary Education Development Programme শীর্ষক প্রকল্পের বিনিময় নোট এবং অনুদান চুক্তি স্বাক্ষর (2021-10-25)
Signing of Loan Agreement with AIIB: Construction of Kewatkhali Bridge at Mymensingh Project (2021-10-25)
Framework Arrangement 2021-2025 between The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and The Government of the Republic of Korea (24 October 2021) (2021-10-24)
Bangladesh HFM AHM Mustafa Kamal, FCA, MP's meeting with IFC MD and Executive Vice President Mr. Makhtar Diop (2021-10-18)
গত ১৮/১০/২০২১ তারিখ সোমবার অর্থ মন্ত্রণালয়ের উদ্যোগে অনলাইন প্লাটফর্মের মাধ্যমে শেখ রাসেল দিবস উপলক্ষ্যে অনুষ্ঠিত আলোচনা সভা (2021-10-18)
Meeting with World Bank SARVP on 08 October 2021 (2021-10-08)
A photo of the call on by the Australian High Commissioner H.E. Mr. Jeremy Bruer this morning (07/10/2021). It was a courtesy call on the Hon'ble ERD Secretary. (2021-10-07)
Two loan agreements titled Sustainable Economic Recovery Program– Subprogram 1 (amounting US Dollar 250 million, OCR Regular) and “South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Dhaka-Sylhet Corridor Road Investment Project –Tranche-1” (amounting US Dollar 400.00 million) was signed on 04 October 2021 in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Ms. Fatima Yasmin, Secretary, Economic Relations Division (ERD), Ministry of Finance and Mr. Manmohan Parkash, Country Director, Bangladesh Resident Mission, ADB signed the Loan agreements on behalf of the GoB and the ADB respectively (2021-10-04)
22 August meeting with Ambassador of Russian federation (2021-09-13)
স্বাধীনতার মহান স্থপতি জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান-এর ৪৬ তম শাহাদত বার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে আলোচনা সভা ও দোয়া মাহফিল (2021-08-15)
বাংলাদেশ স্বল্পোন্নত দেশ হতে উন্নয়নশীল দেশে উত্তোরণের সার্বিক কার্যক্রম সমন্বয়ের জন্য অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব মহোদয়কে কৃতজ্ঞতা জানিয়ে ডিই অনুবভাগের পক্ষ হতে ফুলেল শুভেচ্ছা জ্ঞাপন। (2021-08-01)
A Loan Agreement has been signed an amount of US$ 75.00 Million between Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) for “Construction of Nalua-Baherchar Bridge” Project. (2021-08-01)
Two bilateral Agreements have been signed between the Government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. Secretary Economic Relations Division Ms Fatima Yasmin and H.E Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bangladesh signed the agreements on behalf of the two governments.The signing ceremony was attended by the high officials from the German Embassy in Dhaka,the German Development Bank KfWand the German Technical Cooperation agencies GIZ and BGR as well as from the Government of Bangladesh. (2021-08-01)
A loan agreement of $250 million OCR Regular on Strengthening Social Resilience Programme has been signed today on 22 June 2021 in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2021-08-01)
Graduation of Bangladesh from the least developed country (LDC) category and smooth transition towards sustainable development’ বিষয়ক কর্মশালায় (2021-08-01)
Members of the high level delegation, technical team and other relevant officials of the Government of Bangladesh pose for a group photo after the Bangladesh session of the Expert Group Meeting of the Committee for Development Policy of the United Nations. (2021-08-01)
1st V20 Climate Vulnerable Finance Summit (2021-07-08)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব মিজ ফাতিমা ইয়াসমিন ইনোভেশন টিম কর্তৃক প্রকাশিত উদ্ভাবন ও সেবা সহজীকরণ উদ্যোগ বিষয়ক বইয়ের মোড়ক উম্মোচন করেন এবং উদ্ভাবকগণকে ক্রেস্ট প্রদান করেন। (2021-06-30)
Loan Agreements of US$ 940 million has been signed today on 24 Jane 2021 at Economic Relations Division, Dhaka between Government of the People's Republic Bangladesh (GoB) (2021-06-24)
Meeting of ERD Secretary at 24/06/2021 (2021-06-24)
A loan agreement of $250 million OCR Regular on Strengthening Social Resilience Programme has been signed today on 22 June 2021 in Dhaka between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2021-06-22)
Meeting of ERD Secretary at 20/06/2021 (wing7) (2021-06-20)
Meeting of ERD Secretary at 20/06/2021 (2021-06-20)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের অন্যতম উদ্ভাবনী উদ্যোগ পেনশনের ক্ষুদেবার্তা এর প্রথম বার্তা প্রেরণ (2021-06-14)
Meeting of ERD Secretary at 14/06/2021 (2021-06-14)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সম্মানিত সচিব মিজ ফাতিমা ইয়াসমিন এ বিভাগের জনাব পরিমল সরকার, উপসচিব এবং জনাব নাজিম উদ্দিন শেখ, সাঁটমুদ্রাক্ষরিক-কাম-কম্পিউটার অপারেটর-কে জাতীয় শুদ্ধাচার পুরস্কার ২০২১ এর সার্টিফিকেট ও ক্রেস্ট প্রদান করছেন (2021-06-07)
Meeting of ERD Secretary at 03/06/2021 (2021-06-03)
H.E. Mr. Robert Chatterton Dickson, British High Commissioner and Judith Herbertson, Development Director, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) call on Ms. Fatima Yasmin, Secretary, ERD on 09 May 2021 at ERD (2021-05-09)
54th Annual Meeting: Business Session on 5 May 2021 (2021-05-05)
The virtual side event titled “Sustainable Graduation in the Challenging Time: Perspectives from Bangladesh and the region”’ hosted by the Govt. of Bangladesh on the sidelines of the 77th Commission Session of the UNESCAP in collaboration with the ESCAP Secretariat. (2021-04-27)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব মিজ ফাতিমা ইয়াসমিন -এর সভাপতিত্বে আজ (২৬/০৪/২০২১) মাসিক সমন্বয় সভা জুম প্লাটফর্মে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। (2021-04-26)
Workshop on Effective Partnership with the Private Sector for Sustainable Graduation (2021-04-25)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগে আজ (২৪/০৪/২০২১) উদ্ভাবন ও সেবাসহজীকরণ এর আওতায় জাতীয় বাজেট ও অতিমারী ব্যবস্থপনা বিষয়ক কর্মশালা জুম প্লাটফর্মে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। (2021-04-24)
Digital Display opening at 24/03/2021 (2021-03-24)
photo Gulley (2021-03-23)
স্বাধীনতার সুবর্ণ জয়ন্তী (2021-03-23)
As part of celebrating the Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a Webinar on LDC Graduation: A Leap Towards the Father of the Nation’s Vision of “Sonar Bangla” was held on Thursday, March 18, 2021 (2021-03-18)
স্বাধীনতার মহান স্থপতি জাতির জনক বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের জন্মশতবার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগ কর্তৃক আয়োজিত আলোচনা সভা ১৬ মার্চ, ২০২১ তারিখ বেলা ০২ঃ১৫ ঘটিকায় অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। (2021-03-16)
Honorable Finance Minister Mr. A H M Musatafa Kamal, FCA, MP is handing over CDP’s recommendation letter on Bangladesh’s LDC graduation to the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on 27 February 2021 (2021-02-27)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব মিজ ফাতিমা ইয়াসমিন ২০২১-২২ অর্থবছরের এডিপি প্রণয়নের লক্ষ্যে সকল বৈদেশিক সাহায্যপুষ্ট প্রকল্পসমূহের প্রকল্প সাহায্য বরাদ্দের প্রাক্কলন নির্ধারণ সংক্রান্ত সভা গত ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২১ তারিখে উদ্বোধন করেন। (2021-02-24)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের অফিস সহায়ক মরহুম মোঃ ফজলে রাব্বি বিন আমিন এর বিদেহী আত্মার মাগফেরাতের জন্য এ বিভাগ কর্তৃক আয়োজিত মিলাদ ও দোয়া মাহফিল ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২১ দুপুর ১২:৩০ ঘটিকায় অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। (2021-02-23)
Meeting of ERD Secretary at 16/02/2021 (2021-02-16)
Meeting of ERD Secretary at 16/02/2021 (2021-02-16)
বাংলাদেশ-সুইডিস ট্রাস্ট কমিটির (BSTF) ৫১তম সভা গত ৩১ জানুয়ারি ২০২১ তারিখে জুম প্লাটফর্মে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। (2021-01-31)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগে আজ (২১/০১/২০২১) উদ্ভাবন ও সেবাসহজীকরণ বিষয়ক কর্মশালা জুম প্লাটফর্মে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। (2021-01-21)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব মিজ ফাতিমা ইয়াসমিন -এর সভাপতিত্বে আজ (২৩/১২/২০২০) মাসিক সমন্বয় সভা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। (2020-12-23)
Loan signing of Additional Financing for Micro-Enterprise development Project of 50 million USD with ADB. (2020-12-21)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব মিজ ফাতিমা ইয়াসমিন ডিভিও কনফারেন্স সিস্টেম উদ্বোধন করেন। (2020-12-21)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগের সচিব মিজ ফাতিমা ইয়াসমিন ২৮/০৭/২০২০ তারিখে এ বিভাগের নতুন সরকারি ই-মেইল সেবা উদ্বোধন করেন। উল্লেখ্য যে, বাংলাদেশের ভৗেগলিক সীমারেখার মধ্যে অবস্থিত জাতীয় ডাটা সেন্টারে মেইল সার্ভারটি অবস্থিত। (2020-07-28)
Meeting of ERD Secretary at 23/06/2020 (2020-06-23)
Bangladesh-German Consultations on Development Cooperation (2020-03-02)
অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক বিভাগে নবযোগদানকৃত সচিব মিজ ফাতিমা ইয়াসমিন-কে গত ২৬/০২/২০২০ তারিখে সংবর্ধনা দেয়া হয়। (2020-02-26)
Joining as ERD secretary at 23/02/2021 (2020-02-23)